İngilizce Çeviri Testleri Ana Sayfası
TEST – 3
1) Fotoğrafçılık benim tutkularımdan biridir çünkü çektiğim fotoğraflarda kendi mesajımı vermeyi severim.
A) Photography is one of my ambitions because I like to give my own massage in the pictures I take.
B) One of my ambitions is photography and I like to give my own massage in the pictures I take.
C) Photography I like to give my own massage in the pictures I take is one of my ambitions.
D) I like to give my own massage in the pictures I take because photography is one of my ambitions.
E) Since I like to give my own massage in the pictures I take photography is my only ambition.
2) Birden görülmeyen bir güç dikkatimi otobüse henüz binmiş olan bir çifte çekti.
A) An invisible power pulled my attention to a couple who had suddenly gotten on the bus
B) Suddenly, a mysterious power pulled my attention to a couple getting on the bus.
C) Suddenly, an invisible power pulled my attention to a couple who had just got on the bus.
D) An sudden invisible power pulled my attention to a couple who had just gotten on the bus.
E) Suddenly, a power pulled my attention to a couple who had just gotten on the bus invisibly.
3) Birisinin her defasında bir parça kağıdı çöpe atmasının bir kimsenin ağaçtan bir dal kesmesine benzediğini hayalinizde canlandırın.
A) Imagine that every time someone throws a piece of paper in the garbage is similar to a person cutting a branch off a tree. a branch off a tree.
B) It is imaginable that the garbage you throw into the dustbin is similar to a person cutting
C) If you force the limits of your imagination you can see that throwing a piece of paper in the garbage is like cutting a branch off a tree.
D) Imagining someone throwing a piece of paper in the garbage shows you that you are like a person cutting a branch off a tree.
E) Whenever someone throws a piece of paper in the garbage it is similar to cutting a branches off a tree.
4) İdeoloji, herhangi bir grubun sosyal gereksinimlerini ve politik doktrinlerini yansıtan birdüşünce biçimidir.
A) Social needs and political doctrines of an individual or group are reflectedin an ideology.
B) Ideology is a way of thinking that reflects the social needs and political doctrines of any group.
C) There is an ideology reflecting the social needs and political doctrines of a single group.
D) The way of thinking that reflects the social needs and political doctrines of an individual or group is ideological.
E) When you think ideologically it is the way of thinking reflect the social needs and political doctrines of an individual and group.
5) Ön yargı güçle yenilmez fakat insanların zihinlerindeki ve kalplerdeki iyiliğin güveniyle yenilir.
A) You cannot defeat prejudice by forcing but faith in the goodness in the hearts and minds of men.
B) Prejudice is defeated not by force but by faith in the goodness in the hearts and minds of men.
C) Prejudice hasn't defeated it by force but faith defeats it in the hearts and minds of men.
D) When prejudice is defeated by force, faith in the goodness in the hearts of men and their minds gets lost.
E) Prejudice can defeat force but faith in the goodness in the hearts of men and their minds cannot.
6) Bu bireyciliğin liberal ideolojisi Amerikan milli kimliğinin temel bir parçasıdır.
A) The national identity of the American is the ideology of all individuals.
B) The liberal ideology of an American individual is formed within the national identity.
C) This liberal ideology which is a basic part of the American national identity is individualistic.
D) These ideally individuals are the basic part of the American national identity.
E) This liberal ideology of individualism is a basic part of the American national identity.
7) Bizim taburlarımız insanlığa karşı suçları engellemeye ve durdurmaya yardımcı olmak için farklı yerlere gönderilmiştir
A) Our troops were sent to a different location to stop stopping crimes against humanity.
B) Various troops in different locations of ours have prevented all the crimes against humanity.
C) Our troops have been sent to various locations to aid in preventing and stopping crimes against humanity.
D) We sent the troops to our various locations to prevent crimes against humanity after stopping it.
E) The troops which were sent to various locations to aid in preventing crimes against humanity stopped it.
8) Ben Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin 2000 yılında dünya polisi olarak hareket etmesinin zorunlu olduğuna inanmaktayım.
A) I've believed that the United States of America has to act as the world police imperatively in the year 2000.
B) The United States of America has been believed to act as the world police of 2000.
C) I believe the United States of America will have to act as the world police of 2000 imperatively.
D) I believe that it is imperative for the United States of America to act as the world police in the year 2000.
E) I imperatively believe that the United States of America has acted as the world police in 2000.
9) Okullardaki şiddet böylesine bir ortamı bozar ve öğrencinin öğrenmeye olan güdülenmesini olumsuz olarak etkileyebilir.
A) Schools destroy such an environment and can negatively affect student motivation for learning if there is violence.
B) Violence in destroyed schools can negatively affect student motivation for learning besides environment.
C) So long as violence occurs in schools, it destroys the environment and can affect student motivation for learning negatively.
D) Violence in schools destroys such an environment and can negatively affect student's motivation for learning.
E) If there is violence in schools it can negatively affect student motivation for learning and destroys such an environment.
10) Binlerce yıl evvel eski Peru inkaları koka yaprağı çiğnerlerdi çünkü bunlar onların yüksek dağlarda daha uzun süreler boyunca çalışmalarına mümkün kılardı.
A) One thousand years age of ancient Incas of Peru were chewing coca leaves because it was possible for them to work in the high mountains for longer periods of time.
B) Thousands of years ago, there were coca leaf chewing Incas who discovered that they made it possible for them to work in the high mountains of Peru for a very long time.
C) Years and years ago, the ancient Incas of Peru had been chewing coca leaves so that they could work in the high mountains for longer periods of time.
D) The ancient Incas of Peru who chewed coca leaves knew that it was possible for them to work in the high mountains for longer periods of time thousands of years ago.
E) Thousands of years ago, the ancient Incas of Peru chewed coca leaves because they made it possible for them to work in the high mountains for longer periods of time.
11) 19. yüzyılda, düşünür ve yazar Ralph Waldo Emerson belki de hepimizin her hangi bir şekilde hissettiği bir korkuyu ifade etti
A) The 19th century writer and thinker Ralph Waldo Emerson had been expressing a fear that we probably feel to some extent.
B) In the 19th century, Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed a fear as a writer and thinker that perhaps we all feel to some extent.
C) The writer and thinker Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed a fear that we all felt to some extent in the 19th century.
D) In the 19th century, writer and thinker Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed a fear that perhaps we all feel to some extent.
E) Ralph Waldo Emerson, the writer and thinker of the 19th century had expressed a fear that we all feel to some extent.
12) Bu tür düzenlemeleri yerine getiren pek çok şirket, işçinin verim seviyesinde bir değişiklik olduğunu gözlemlemektedir.
A) The companies implementing such arrangements observed that there was a change in the employees' performance level.
B) Companies having implemented such arrangements observe that there has been changes in the level of employees' performance.
C) Many companies that have implemented such arrangements have observed that there is a change in the employees' performance level.
D) A lot of companies implementing these arrangements have observed that a change increases the employees' performance level.
E) Companies that implement so many arrangements have to observe that there is a certain change in the employees' performance level.
13) Küresel ısınma, kirlilikten farklı olarak bilim adamlarının en büyük ilgi alanlarından birisidir.
A) Global warming, aside from pollution, is one of scientists' biggest concerns.
B) Except for global warming, scientists' biggest concerns has always been the pollution of the environment.
C) Not only global warming but also environmental pollution is among scientists' biggest concerns.
D) Despite the global warming, pollution has always been one of the biggest concerns of scientists.
E) Global warming and pollution have always been scientists' biggest concerns.
14) Kısa bir süre sonra ülke ve hayatları için savaşacak olan pek çok acemi genç asker, savaş alanlarının yakınındaki eğitim kamplarına gönderildi
A) Too many young inexperienced soldiers went to training camps near the battlefields so that they could soon be sent to fight for their country and their own lives.
B) Too many young inexperienced soldiers who fight for their country and lives were soon sent to training camps near the battlefields.
C) Too many young inexperienced soldiers who were sent to the training camps around the battlefields would be sent to fight for their country and their life later on.
D) Too many young inexperienced soldiers being sent to the training camps beside the battlefields were ready to be sent to fight for their country and their lives.
E) Too many young inexperienced soldiers who were in the training camps beside the battlefields were being sent to fight for their country and their life.
15) Daha yaşlı ve daha büyük ağaçlar genç bir ağaçtan çok daha fazla karbon dioksit depolayabilirler.
A) The older, larger trees have had the capacity to store much more carbon dioxide than a young tree.
B) The trees which are old and large are able to store a lot of carbon dioxide but than a young can not.
C) Larger and older trees storing much more carbon dioxide are more productive than a young tree.
D) Only the old and large trees are capable of storing much more carbon dioxide than young trees are.
E) The older and larger trees can store much more carbon dioxide than a young tree can.
16) Yangınlar ve diğer felaketler yüzünden ormanların eskiden olduğu gibi kolayca yetişmediklerini hatırlamalıyız.
A) It must be remembered that forests hardly grow as well as they used to because of fires and too many disasters.
B) We should have remembered that forests did not grow as well as they did in the past because of fires and other disasters.
C) Everybody have to be reminded that forests have hardly grown as easily as they used to grow because of fires and various disasters.
D) We must remember that forests do not grow as easily as they used to because of fires and other disasters.
E) Because of the fact that there are fires and other disasters, we are obliged to remember that forests do not grow as easily as they used to.
17) Müze, bölgedeki insanların nasıl yaşamakta olduklarını ve aynı zamanda görme güçlerini ve sonuçlarını sergiler.
A) It is displayed in the museum about how people used to live in the area and also about the visions and their results.
B) How people lived in this area and their visions and their results are displayed around the museum.
C) In the museum, they were displaying about how people had lived there and about the visions and their results a well.
D) The museum displays how people used to live in the area and their visions and results.
E) The museum displays how people have lived in the area and also the visions and their results.
18) Amerika'nın bu parayı vermek zorunda olan çalışkan vatandaşları belki de bu paranın bir meteliğini bile tekrar göremeyebilir.
A) There are a lot of hard working citizens of the US who may never see even a dime of this money again. a dime of it again.
B) The hard working citizens of the US gave money but they can never see even a dime of it again.
C) Although the hard working citizens of the US have to give this money, they may never see even a dime of it again.
D) The hard working citizens of the US who have to give this money may never see even
E) Whether this money is given by the hard working citizens of the US, they can never see even a dime of it again.
19) Kölelik konusunda şaşırtıcı biçimde modern görüşleri olan bir grup bile vardı; bazı insanların bugün bile kabul etmedikleri görüşler.
A) There was just one group of people who have surprisingly modern views on slavery; however they haven't been accepted even today.
B) There was even a group of people who held surprisingly modern views on slavery; views some people haven't even accepted today.
C) Even a group of people who held surprisingly modern views on slavery haven't even accepted anything today.
D) A group of people who had held modem surprising views on slavery haven't been accepted today.
E) There was even a group of people who held surprisingly modern views on slavery; however nobody has admitted it today.
20) Alexander on üç yıl tahtta kaldı fakat babasının planlamış olduğundan çok fazlasını başardı.
A) Alexander, who ruled for just thirteen years succeeded far beyond what his father had planned.
B) After Alexander had ruled for only thirteen years, he succeeded far beyond what his father had been planning.
C) Alexander ruled for only thirteen years but he succeeded far beyond what his father had planned.
D) Alexander had been ruling for thirteen years and he succeeded more than what his father had planned.
E) Alexander ruled for thirteen years but he achieved it better than what his father had planned.
21) Güvenli olmayan okul çevrelerinde öğretmenler maksimum güçleriyle öğretemez ve
öğrenciler tüm kapasiteleriyle öğrenemezler.
A) Teachers being in an unsafe school surroundings cannot do their best to teach, and students can never learn with a full potential.
B) In unsafe school surroundings, teachers cannot teach to their maximum potential, and students cannot learn to their full potential.
C) Unsafe school surroundings teachers hardly teach potentially, and students never learn with a full potential.
D) Teachers cannot teach well potentially, and students cannot learn to so capably in an unsafe school surroundings.
E) School surroundings can become unsafe when they cannot teach better, and students cannot learn themselves properly.
22) Geleneksel toplumda otorite çok daha merkeziydi ve halkın yaptığı tercihlerde daha çok etkisi vardı.
A) Central authority and its influence on the choices people made was influential.
B) When there is a customary society, the authority was much more central and it affected the choices people had made.
C) In customary society, authority was much more central and had more influence on the choices people made.
D) Customary society was much more central and authority had more influence on the choices people made.
E) Customary authority was much more central and society had influenced the choices people had made.
23) Tüm zamanını bu tür şeylere kaygılanarak geçirenlerin normal olduğu düşünülemez.
A) People who spend their time worrying about such things are considered to be not normal.
B) There are people who are not normal spending ail their time worrying about such things.
C) Worried people who waste all their time on such things cannot ever be considered as normal.
D) Who spend their time worrying about such things are considered abnormal.
E) Those who spend all their time worrying about such things cannot be considered normal.
24) Einstein savaşın sonuna doğru savaşı sona erdirmek ve Avrupa'ya barışı geri getirmek için çalışan politik bir partiye katıldı.
A) Einstein joined a political party that worked to end the war, and return peace to Europe when the war was over.
B) Einstein, who joined a political party that worked to end the war towards the end of the war wanted to bring peace to Europe.
C) When the war was ending, Einstein joined a political party struggling to end the war, and bring back peace to Europe.
D) Towards the end of the war, Einstein joined a political party that worked to end the war and return peace to Europe.
E) At the end of the war Einstein joined a political party which was struggling to end the war, and bring back the peace to Europe.
25) Tam şu andaki bir kolej eğitimi sizin ve geleceğiniz için sizin kavrayabileceğinizden çok daha kârlıdır.
A) A college education right now is a lot more beneficial to you and your future than you may realize.
B) A right college education is a lot of more useful to you and your future than you realiz now.
C) A college education is more useful to you right now than you may realize your future.
D) A college education is said to be more useful to you and your future than you can imagine right now.
E) A college education which is a lot more useful right now is better to you and your future than you can have.