İngilizce Çeviri Testleri Ana Sayfası

TEST – 5

1) Yarın öğle vakti bin kilometreden fazla yol yapmış olacağız.
A) We will travel more than a thousand kilometres tomorrow.
B) By noon tomorrow we will have travelled more than a thousand kilometres.
C) At lunch time tomorrow we are going to travel a thousand kilometres.
D) By noon we will have travelled a thousand kilometres.
E) Tomorrow we will have travelled half a thousand kilometres.

2) Henry Ford zamanından bu yana endüstride seri üretim yöntemleri yaygınlaştı ve bir çok malın fiyatı düştü.
A) Henry Ford's mass production methods became common in industry and increased the price of many articles.
B) Henry Ford's mass production became common in industry and increased the price of many articles.
C) Since Henry Ford's mass production became common in industry the price of many articles increased.
D) Since the price of many articles reduced Henry Ford's mass production methods became common.
E) Since Henry Ford's time, mass production methods have become common in industry and have reduced the price of many articles.

3) Konuk devlet başkanı havaalanında cumhurbaşkanı, başbakan, bazı bakanlar ve yüksek rutbeli subaylar tarafından karşılandı.
A) The president met the visiting President, prime minister, some cabinet ministers and high ranking officers at the airport.
B) The visiting President was met at the airport by the president, prime minister, some cabinet ministers and high ranking officers.
C) The prime minister was met at the airport by the president, prime minister, some high ranking officers.
D) Some cabinet ministers were met at the airport by the high ranking officers and prime minister.
E) The high ranking officers met the visiting President, prime minister, some cabinet ministers at the airport.

4) Başkan olarak atanmasından once, Henry Kissinger Harvard'da Uluslararası İlişkiler profesörüydü.
A) After he was appointed a president Henry Kissinger became a professor of International Affairs at Harvard.
B) He was a president at Harvard when Henry Kissinger was appointed as a professor and he was the leader of International Affairs.
C) Before he became a president. Henry Kissinger was a professor of International Affairs at Harvard.
D) After he became a professor of International Affairs at Harvard Henry Kissinger was appointed as a president.
E) Prior to his appointment as a president, Henry Kissinger was a professor of International Affairs at Harvard.

5) Alanında en parlak bilim adamlarından biri olarak tanınmasına rağmen, Profesör White sınıfta kendi fikirlerini anlatabilmiş gibi görünmüyor.
A) Although he is a brilliant scientist Mr. White is recognized as one of the professors who does not seem to make his ideas understood in class.
B) Although he is recognized as one of the most brilliant scientists in his field, Prof. White can not seem to make his ideas understood in his class.
C) He is recognized as one of the most brilliant scientists in his field, Mr. White seems to make his ideas understood in his class.
D) In spite of his career, Professor White does not seem to make his ideas understood in his class.
E) Despite being a brilliant scientist in his field Mr. White is recognized that he can not understand his students.

6) İsrail savaş uçakları tarafından Güney Lübnan'daki bir müslüman köyüne yapılan akşam saldırısı 10 sivilin ölmesine, 15'inin yaralanmasına yol açti.
A) An evening raid by Israeli fighter bombers on a Muslim village in Southern Lebanon killed 10 civilians and wounded 15 more.
B) Israeli fighter bombers attacked a Muslim village in Southern Lebanon and killed 10 civilians and wounded 15 more.
C) A Muslim village in Southern Lebanon was attacked by Israeli fighter bombers and 10 civilians were killed and 15 were wounded.
D) In Southern Lebanon, Muslim fighter bombers killed 10 civilians and wounded 15 more in Israel last night.
E) In Southern Israel 10 Muslims were killed by fighter bombers and 15 civilians were wounded.

7) Başkentteki birçok köpek sahibi, bir toplatmadan daha korktuklarından dolayı, evcil hayvanlarını, kapıda bir ses duydukları zaman sessiz olmaları için eğitiyor.
A) The dog owners in the capital are afraid of being roundup, so they train their dogs to be silent when they hear a knock at the door.
B) Fearing another roundup many dog owners in the capital are training their pets to be silent when they hear a knock at the door.
C) In the capital the dog owners are frightened by the police because of this they train their pets to be silent when someone knocks the door.
D) When the dog owners hear a knock at the door, they train their dogs to be silent for another roundup.
E) There is a round up, so many dog owners in the capital are training their pets to be silent when someone knock the door.

8) Kendi yaşamlarını başkaları için kurban eden, nefrete, savaşa ve ırk ayrımına karşı mücadele eden insanlar varken, nasıl eski Başkan Clinton'ı ciddi bir şekilde yılın adamı olarak ilan edebilirsiniz?
A) How can you announce old President Clinton as man of the year when there are people who have not sacrificed their lives for others, fought against hate, war and discrimination?
B) How have you seriously announced ex-President Clinton as man of the week when there were a lot of people who sacrificed their lives for others, fought against hate, war and discrimination?
C) How can you sacrifice your life for others fight against hate, war and discrimination when there is a man of the year called President Clinton.
D) How can you seriously announce ex-President Clinton as man of the year when there are people who have sacrificed their lives for others, fought against hate, war and discrimination?
E) You can not seriously announce old President Clinton as man of the year when there are people who have sacrificed their lives for others.

9) İki olimpiyat altını ve son 119 dünya kupası şampiyonluğunu kazandıktan sonra, dünyanın en iyi kadın kayakçısı beklenmedik bir anda, geçen hafta Salzburg'da emekliliğini ilan etti.
A) After winning two Olympic gold and the past three world cup championships, the world's best woman skier unexpectedly announced her retirement last week in Salzburg.
B) Last week in Salzburg the world's best woman skier won two Olympic gold and three world cup championships, then she announced her retirement unexpectedly.
C) After announcing her retirement last week in Salzburg, the world's best woman skier won two Olympic gold and three world cup championships.
D) The world's best woman skier won two Olympic gold and three world cup championships, and she announced her retirement unexpectedly in Salzburg last week.
E) Before being the best woman skier she won two Olympic gold medals and three world cup championships, later she announced her retirement unexpectedly in Salzburg last week.

10) Sekreterin görevleri, toplantı tutanağını tutmak, yazışmaları postalamak ve toplantıdan önce üyelere haber vermektir.
A) The duties of the secretary are taking the minutes, mailing the correspondence, and calling the members before the meetings
B) Among the duties of the secretary, taking the minutes, mailing the correspondence and calling the members before the meetings are the most important ones.
C) The basic duties of the secretary are taking the minutes, mailing the correspondence, and calling the members before the meetings
D) The secretaries take the minutes, mail the correspondence and call the members before the meetings.
E) Taking the minutes, mailing the correspondence, and calling the members before the meetings are the main duties of the secretaries,

11) Mahkum işkence altında kendinden geçti, ama başından aşağı bir kova buz gibi soğuk su döktükleri zaman kendine geldi.
A) The safeguard fainted under the torture but came round when they threw a bucket ofwater full of ice.
B) The prisoner fainted under the torture but came round when they threw a bucket of ice-cold water.
C) When a bucket of ice-cold water was thrown on the thief, he came round.
D) At first, the thief fainted, but later the safeguards threw a bucket of water full of ice he came round.
E) The torture made the prisoner dizzy, but later the safeguards threw a bucket of ice-cold water then he came round.

12) Vatikan'ın İsrail'e gönderdiği ilk temsilci Kudüs'deki bir törende, cumhurbaşkanına güven mektubunu sundu.
A) The first envoy of the Vatican to Israel presented his credentials to the Prime Minister at a wedding ceremony in Jerusalem
B) The first President of Israel presented his credentials to the Vatican's prime Minister at a reception in Jerusalem.
C) The Vatican's first President presented his credentials to the Israel's envoy at a reception in Jerusalem.
D) Israel's first envoy to Vatican presented his credentials to the president at a farewell party in Jerusalem.
E) The Vatican's first envoy to Israel presented his credentials to the president at a reception in Jerusalem.

13) Zacarsky, Varşova'nın eski komunist rejimi lehine bir casus olarak calışırken tutuklandı ve 1981 yılında Birleşik Devletler mahkemesi tarafından casusluk faaliyetlerinden dolayı ömür boyu hapse mahkum edildi.
A) Zacharsky, who worked as a spy for Warsaw's former communist regime, was arrested and sentenced by a United States court in 1981 to life imprisonment for espionage.
B) While working as a spy for Warsaw's communist regime, Zacharsky was arrested and sentenced by a United States court in 1981- to life imprisonment for espionage.
C) While working as a spy for Warsaw, Zacharsky was arrested and sentenced by a United States court in 1981 to life imprisonment for espionage.
D) Zacharsky worked as a spy for Warsaw's former communist regime, and was arrested and sentenced by a United States court in 1981 to life imprisonment for espionage.
E) While working as a spy for Warsaw's former communist regime, Zacharsky was arrested and sentenced by a United States court in 1981 to life imprisonment for espionage.

14) Mayıs ayından beri dördüncü kez, Alman yetkililer eski Sovyetler Birliği'nden kaçak olarak çıkartılmış olduğu düşünülen plütonyum ele geçirdiler.
A) German authorities seized plutonium that appears to have been smuggled out of the Soviet Union for the fourth time since May.
B) German authorities have seized plutonium that has been smuggled out of the Soviet Union for the fourth time since May.
C) For the fourth time since May, German authorities seized plutonium that appears to have been smuggled out of the former Soviet Union.
D) German authorities have seized plutonium that has been smuggled out of the former Soviet Union for the fourth time since May.
E) German authorities have seized plutonium that has been smuggled out of the Soviet Union many times since May.

15) Şiddetli yağmurlar, Kamboçya'nın beş eyaletinde en az sekiz köylünün ölümüne neden oldu ve tahminen 50 bin kişiyi evsiz bıraktı.
A) Torrential rains in Cambodia left at least eight villagers dead and an estimated 50 thousands homeless.
B) Heavy rains in five provinces of Cambodia left at least 50 villagers dead and an estimated eight thousands homeless.
C) Heavy rains in Cambodia left at least 50 villagers dead and an estimated eight thousands homeless.
D) Torrential rains in five provinces of Cambodia left at least eight villagers dead and an estimated 50 thousands homeless.
E) Torrential rains in five villages of Cambodia left at least 50 villagers dead and an estimated eight thousands homeless

16) Bu dergi onbir yaşından küçük çocuklar için basitleştirilmiş resimler içermektedir.
A) This magazine contains pictures simplified for children over eleven.
B) This magazine, which contains pictures simplified, is for under eleven.
C) This magazine contains simplified pictures for children.
D) The magazine that contains simplified pictures is for children over eleven.
E) This magazine contains pictures simplified for children under eleven.

17) Okuldan kovulan öğrenci başka bir muafiyet sınavına girmeyi reddetti.
A) The student dismissed from the school refused to take another exemption test.
B) The student dismissed from the school accepted to take another exemption test. .
C) The student, who dismissed from the school, wanted to take another exemption test.
D) The students who dismissed from the school refused to take exemption tests.
E) The student dismissed from the school refused to take exemption test.

18) Onsekizinci yüzyılda Fransızca'ya çevrilen Shakespeare'ın oyunlarının, Fransız edebiyatı üzerinde önemli bir etkisi oldu.
A) Shakespeare' splays had an important influence on French literature and they translated into French during the eighteenth century.
B) The French translated Shakespeare's plays, which had an important influence on French literature, into French during the eighteenth century.
C) Shakespeare's plays, translated into French during the eighteenth century, had an important influence on French literature.
D) Shakespeare's plays, which were translated into French during the eighteenth century, an important influence on French literature.
E) Shakespeare's plays, which, an important influence on French literature were translated into French during the eighteenth century.

19) Eğitimciler, dil öğretimi yapılan bir sınıfta en ideal bir sayının 17 olduğunda birleşmektedir.
A) Educationists agree that the satisfactory size for a language class is 17.
B) Educationists agree that the most satisfactory size for a class is 17.
C) Educationists agree that the most satisfactory size for a language class is not less than 16 and not more than 14.
D) Educationists agree that a satisfactory size for a language class should be 17.
E) Educationists agree that the most satisfactory size for a language class is 17.

20) Yeryuzünde ortaya çıkan ilk bitkilerin denizde yaşadığı sanılıyor.
A) It is supposed that the first plants to appear on earth lived in the sea.
B) It is supposed that the first plants to appear on earth lived in the seaside.
C) It is supposed that the first plants and animals to appear on earth lived in the sea.
D) It is supposed that the first plants on earth lived in the sea.
E) It is supposed that the first plants lived in the sea.

21) Sadece yazılı olarak güvenliğim garanti edilirse deneye katılmak için istekli olurum.
A) Had my safety been guaranteed in writing I would have been willing to join the experiment.
B) Only if my safety is guaranteed in writing am I willing to join the experiment.
C) If my safety were guaranteed in writing I would be willing to join the experiment.
D) Only if they guarantee my safety in writing am I willing to join the experiment.
E) When my safety is guaranteed in writing I am willing to join the experiment.

22) Üniversitelerdeki eğitim fakülteleri, lisansüstü çalışmalarını güncellemek için ciddi bir şekilde çalışırlarsa devlet okulları geliştirilebilir.
A) If the departments of education at the universities worked seriously to upgrade their advanced degree programs, the public schools could be improved.
B) If the departments of education at the universities had worked seriously to upgrade their advanced degree programs, the public schools could have been improved.
C) If the departments of education at the universities had worked seriously to upgrade their advanced degree programs, the public schools could be improved now.
D) If the universities work seriously to upgrade their advanced degree programs, the public schools can be improved.
E) If the departments of education at the universities work seriously to upgrade their advanced degree programs, the public schools can be improved.

23) Takım kaptanı, ne kendi başarısından ne de takımının çalışmasından memnun değildi.
A) Neither the coach nor the team was satisfied with their own achievement and performance.
B) Not only the coach but the team was satisfied with their own achievement and performance as well.
C) Both the coach and the team were satisfied with their own achievement and performance.
D) The coach was satisfied neither with her own achievement nor with the team's performance.
E) The coach and the team were not satisfied with their achievement.

24) Nükleer enerji konusundaki konferansa sadece İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi'nin hocalarından değil, aynı zamanda onların öğrencilerinden de katılım oldu.
A) Both Istanbul Technical University students and their professors are expected to attend the conference on nuclear energy.
B) The conference on nuclear energy was attended not only by the professors of Istanbul Technical University but also their students.
C) Istanbul Technical University professors and their students attended the conference on nuclear energy.
D) Both Istanbul Technical University students and their professors were expected to attend the conference on nuclear energy.
E) Neither the Istanbul Technical University students nor professors were expected to attend the conference on nuclear energy.

25) Ruhbilimciler TV'nin, gençlerin okuma ve yazma yetenekleri üzerine ne kadar etkisi olduğunu belirlemeye çalışıyor.
A) Psychologists have tried to determine how much effect TV has had on the reading and writing abilities of young children for the last two years.
B) Psychologists are trying to determine how much effect TV has on the reading and writing abilities of adults.
C) Psychologists tried to determine how much effect TV had on the reading and writing abilities of young children last year.
D) Psychologists are trying to decide how much effect TV has on the reading and writing abilities of young children
E) Psychologists are trying to determine how much effect TV has on the reading and writing abilities of young children.


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