İngilizce Çeviri Testleri Ana Sayfası
TEST – 6
1) Iktidarı ele aldığımda milletin varlık ve arazisinin çoğu küçük bir azınlığın elindeydi.
A) When I took power, most of the nation's wealth and land were in the hands of a small minority.
B) There was a small minority holding the nation's wealth when I gained all the power.
C) Whenever I took power, I noticed that a small minority had had most of the nation's wealth and land.
D) Taking power in hand, I noticed most of the nation's wealth and land were in the hands of a small minority.
E) When we took power, a small minority's wealth was in the hand of a small minority.
2) Milliyetçilik Karl XII'un bir düşmanıydı çünkü milliyetçilik onun imparatorluğunun çökmesine yol açmıştı.
A) Karl XII was aware that nationalism was an enemy because it led to the decline of his empire.
B) Nationalism, which led to the decline of his empire, was an enemy of Karl XII.
C) Nationalism had been against Karl XII as an enemy because it led to the decline of his empire.
D) Nationalism was an enemy of Karl XII because it had led to the decline of his empire.
E) Nationalism, which Karl XII declared as his enemy, had led to the decline of his empire.
3) Einstein bombanın geliştirilmesine katılmadı ama fikir onun E=mc2 denkleminden ortaya çıkmıştı.
A) Einstein might not have participated in the development of the bomb, but his idea, E=mc2, had caused it.
B) Even though Einstein did not take part in developing the bomb, the idea did stem from his equation E=mc2.
C) Einstein did not participate in the development of the bomb, but the idea did stem from his equation E=mc2.
D) E=mc2, Einstein's idea, caused the bomb to be improved, in fact he did not take part in the development it.
E) Einstein's idea E=mc2 was the base of the bomb, he did not contribute in the development of the bomb himself.
4) Ülkemizde silah kontrolüyle ilgili kanunları kendi güvenliğimiz için olmasa bile geleceğimizin güvenliği için bulundurmamız şart.
A) We should keep gun control laws in our country either for our safety or for ourselves rather than for the safety of our future.
B) Keeping gun control laws in our country is not only for our safety but also for the safety of our future.
C) Gun control laws in our country have to be kept either for safety or for ourselves but not for the safety of our future.
D) We keep gun control laws in our country and protect ourselves not only for our country but also for the safety of our future.
E) It is imperative that we keep gun control laws in our country, if not for the safety of ourselves, then for the safety of our future.
5) Çin halkının komünizme geri dönmeye çalışacağına inanıyorum fakat durdurulacaklar, ya zorla ya da isteyerek.
A) Although I believe the Chinese will try to turn back to communism, they will stop, either willingly or by force.
B) I'm sure that the Chinese people will turn back to communism which will be stopped, either by force or by will.
C) I believe that the Chinese people will try to revert back to communism, but will be stopped, either by force or by will.
D) Either willingly or reluctantly, the Chinese will have to try to go back to communism, but they will stop them.
E) The Chinese people are going to try to go back to communism, even if they will be stopped, either by force or by will.
6) Bir insanın davranışı genellikle o insanın ussal durumuyla ifade edilebilir.
A) The behavior of a person's state of mind can usually be explained by that person.
B) The behavior of a person can usually be explained by that person's state of mind.
C) The behavior of a person can always express that person's state of mind.
D) A person with his behavior can usually explained his state of mind.
E) The behavior of a person usually be explains a person's state of mind.
7) Bir şey açıktır ve bu da konunun her iki tarafında da güçlü fikirlerin var olduğudur.
A) The only thing that there are strong opinions on both sides of the issue is still clear.
B) The thing that there are strong opinions on both sides of the issue seems to be obvious
C) One thing is clear and that is there are strong opinions on both sides of the issue.
D) One thing is clear when there are strong opinions on both sides of the issue.
E) When there are strong opinions on both sides of the issue the only thing is clear.
8) Bu okula gelmeyi gerçekten planlamadım ama geçen yaz olan bir şey tüm bunları değiştirdi.
A) I really didn't plan to come to this school until that change happened last summer.
B) I didn't intend to come to this school, however something that happened last summer changed it.
C) I never planned to come to this school, but what happened last summer changed it.
D) Although I really never planned to come to this school, what happened last summer changed all that.
E) I really didn't plan to come to this school, but what happened last summer changed all that.
9) Eğer öğrenciler sınıfta konuşurken yakalanırsa öğretmen yıllar önceki gibi kırbaçlayıp dövmez.
A) Pupils who are caught talking in class are not whipped or beaten like years ago.
B) Pupils might be caught while talking, but the teacher does not whip or beat them in the class like years ago.
C) If pupils are caught talking in the class, the teacher does not whip or beat them like years ago.
D) Pupils are caught while they are talking in the class, but nobody whips or beats them like years ago.
E) Although pupils are caught talking in class, the teacher never whips or beats them like years ago.
10) Temmuz 1961'de, Birleşik Devletler Küba'ya karşı onların düşüşünü hızlandırmayı amaçlayan bir dizi ekonomik saldırıya başladı.
A) In July 1961, the U.S. started a series of economic aggressions toward Cuba aimed at accelerating their downfall.
B) When the U.S. started a series of economic aggressions toward Cuba In July 1961, they aimed at accelerating their downfall.
C) When it was July 1961, the U.S. started a series of economic aggressions toward Cuba and accelerated their downfall.
D) In July 1961, when the U.S. started a series of economic aggressions toward Cuba they aimed at accelerating Cuba's downfall.
E) The U.S. started a series of economic aggressions toward Cuba in order to accelerate their downfall in July 1961.
11) Araştırmacılar çikolatanın mariyana gibi kanda bazı reaksiyonların aynısını ürettiğini keşfetmiştir.
A) Researchers who have discovered chocolate have also produced some of the same reactions in the blood as marijuana.
B) According to the investigations chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the blood as marijuana which has been discovered.
C) Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the blood as marijuana.
D) When researchers discovered that, chocolate produced almost the same reactions in the blood as marijuana.
E) According to researchers' studies, chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the blood as marijuana.
12) Ilaç bağımlısı böylesine basit bir şeye öyle öfkelenebilir ki kızgınlığını başka bir kimseden çıkarır.
A) The drug dependent has been so irritated that a minor thing that he can take his anger out on another person.
B) The drug dependent could become so enraged by such a minor thing that he takes his anger out on another person.
C) It could drive the drug user so crazy as to take his anger out on another person.
D) The drug dependent has become enraged enough by such a trivial thing as to take his anger out on other people.
E) The drug user is enraged and he could take his anger out on another person.
13) Bir insan emniyet kemeri takmamaya karar verdiği zaman sadece fiziksel olarak kendisine zarar vermekle kalmaz başka bir yoldan başkalarına da zarar verebilir.
A) A person who does not wear a seat belt, both harms himself physically, and others in another way.
B) When anyone decides not to wear their seat belts, they can also harm others in a different way.
C) When a person decides not to wear a seat belt, not only can he harm himself physically, but he can also harm others in another way.
D) When a person has decided to wear a seat belt, he can neither harm himself physically, nor others in some other way.
E) A person who does not to wear his seat belt, not only harms himself physically, but he also harms others in another way.
14) Konunun basit gerçeği, bu şirkette sadece bir dil konuşan insanların asla ilerleyemeyeceğidir.
A) The simple fact of the firm is that people who speak only one language can never get ahead.
B) As a matter of simple fact, people who can speak only one language in the firm can never get ahead.
C) The weird fact of this matter is that people should speak at least two languages rather than only one in this firm to get ahead.
D) The simple fact of the matter is that people who speak only one language in this firm will never get ahead.
E) The simple fact of the language is that people who speak only one language will never get ahead in this firm.
15) Eğer Lübnan'da bir kadının üniversite öğretim derecesi yoksa bir kadın için uygun bir iş bulması çok zordur.
A) Unless a woman in Lebanon has a degree from a University, it is very hard for a woman to find a decent work.
B) A woman in Lebanon has to get a degree from a University, if it is necessary for her to find a good work.
C) Whenever a woman in Lebanon has a university degree, it maybe possible for her to find a good work.
D) If women living in Lebanon do not have a certain degree from a University, it is impossible for a woman to find a suitable work.
E) Unless women who live in Lebanon have got a degree from a university, it is hardly possible for them to find a decent work.
16) Az gelişmiş ülkelerin çoğunu etik, insan hakları, ekonomi, ve yönetim gibi pek çok koruda eğitmek için yardım etmek zorundayız.
A) We must help to educate many of the under developed countries on too many issues such as morality, human rights, economics, and government.
B) We will have to help to educate a lot of under developed countries on too many issues including morality, human rights, economics, and government.
C) Many of the under developed countries have to be educated on too many issues such as morality, human rights, economics, and government.
D) We've got to help to educate most of these under developed countries on too many issues in addition to morality, human rights, economics, and government.
E) We help to educate too many under developed countries on various issues including morality, human rights, economics, and government.
17) Bu gunlerde ekonomi, işsizlik oranını etkileyen başka bir döneme giriyor.
A) The economy nowadays enters another phase that impacts the unemployment rate.
B) The economy entered a different phase that impacted the unemployment rate.
C) The economy is just entering another phase that impacts the unemployment rate.
D) The economy has now been entered another phase that is impacting the unemployment rate.
E) The economy has just entered another phase that has been impacting the unemployment rate.
18) Çalışmalar, ayrı büyütülen yumurta ikizlerinin genellikle benzer kişilikleri ve zekâyı paylaştığını göstermiştir.
A) Studies have shown that twins who are raised apart often share similar personalities and intelligence.
B) Studies have proved that identical twins who are raised apart sometimes share similar characteristics and intelligence.
C) Results of the studies show twins growing apart often share the same personalities and intelligence.
D) According to the authorities identical twins who are raised apart usually share similar personalities and intelligence.
E) Studies of twins who are grown up apart have shown that they always share the same personalities and intelligence.
19) Ben şahsen bu psikopatın cezalandırılması gerektiğine inanıyorum ve onun hak ettiği tek şey bir elektrikli sandalyedir.
A) I believe that a psychopath has to be punished, and the thing he deserves is an electric chair.
B) I personally think that this psychopath should be punished, and the only thing that he deserves is an electric chair.
C) I personally believe that a psychopath must be punished because what he deserves is an electric chair.
D) I personally think that this psychopath should be punished sufficiently, and he has deserved an electric chair.
E) In my opinion this psychopath has to be punished enough, and he only deserves an electric chair.
20) Gerçek bir eğitimsel geçmişi olmayan ebeveynler kendi çocuklarına öğretirken kendilerini eğitirler.
A) Educationally really ignorant parents in fact educate themselves while they are teaching their children.
B) Parents who do not have a proper educational background educate themselves while they are teaching their children.
C) Parents who usually have no proper educational background also educate themselves while they are teaching their children.
D) Parents of the children who have an educationally poor background educate themselves as long as they teach their children.
E) Teaching their children also helps parents who do not have a proper educational background.
21) Doğru cevabın orada bir yerde, hemen sınav kağıdının üzerinde, sizin onu bulmanızı beklediğini hatırlayın.
A) Remember that the correct answer is there, somewhere, right on the exam page, waiting for you to find it.
B) Don't forget that the correct answer is there, somewhere, right on the exam page, you can find it.
C) Remember that the correct answer is right on the exam page, waiting for you to find it.
D) Don't forget that the correct answer is right on the exam page, waiting for you to find it.
E) Don't forget that the correct answers are right on the exam page, waiting for you to find them.
22) Çevresel ve ekolojik konulara dikkat çekmek için konulan Dünya Günü'nün 30.'su kutlandı.
A) The 30th of the Earth Day which established to focus attention on environmental and ecological issues is celebrated.
B) The 30th Earth Day was established to draw focus on environmental and ecological issues, which is celebrated.
C) The 30th Earth Day, which was established to focus attention on environmental and ecological issues, is celebrated.
D) The 30th World Day, which was established to draw attention on environmental and ecological issues, is congratulated.
E) The 30th World Day, which is founded to focus attention on environmental and ecological issues, has been celebrated.
23) Tüm istedikleri yalnız bırakılmak ama Borneo orangutanları yok olma ile karşı karşıyalar.
A) All they want is to be alone, but the orang-utans of Borneo are in the face of contamination.
B) All of their desire is being alone, however, the orang-utans of Borneo are in danger of extinction.
C) All they want is to remain single, but the orang-utans of Borneo are in peril of disappearing.
D) All they want is to be left alone, but the orang-utans of Borneo are in peril of disappearing.
E) All they want is being left single, but the orang-utans of Borneo are in danger of extinction.
24) AIDS'nin olası nedenlerine ilişkin, son zamanlarda oldukça çok araştırma yapıldı.
A) Research was done some time ago on the possible causes of AIDS.
B) Experts have been doing research on the possible causes of AIDS.
C) Recently a great deal of experts have done some researches on the possible causes of AIDS.
D) A great deal of research has been done recently on the possible causes in AIDS.
E) The possible causes of AIDS have been researched by many experts.
25) Belediye tarafindan, yeni bir metro projesi ile ilgili olarak ozel bir araştirma yapilmasina karar verildi.
A) Municipality has decided that a special inquiry should be held about the new subway project.
B) The new subway project has been decided to be held out by the municipality.
C) A special inquiry should be held about the new subway project by the municipality.
D) They have decided that municipality should hold a special inquiry about the new subway project.
E) It has been decided by the municipality that a special inquiry should be held about the new subway project.