İngilizce Çeviri Testleri Ana Sayfası
TEST – 7
1) Günümüz dünyasında kişisel güvenliğimiz büyük oranda ekonomik güvencemizdir.
A) In the world today, our personal security is largely our financial security.
B) In today's world, our personal security is largely our financial security.
C) In today's world, your personal security is largely your financial security.
D) In the world today, personal security means having a large financial security.
E) In today's world, if you have enough money, it means that you are in secure.
2) Benim iyi hayat anlayışım, ilginç bir iş, yeterli para ve çok spor yapmaktır.
A) In my opinion a good life involves having an interesting work, enough money, and plenty of exercise.
B) Having an interesting work, enough money, and plenty of exercise are my ideal life.
C) What I think about ideal life is that having an interesting work, enough money, and plenty of exercise.
D) To me an ideal life should have an interesting work, enough money and plenty of exercise.
E) My idea of a good life is interesting work, enough money, and plenty of exercise.
3) Çocukların, bu tür sürekli tekrarlanan şiddete karşı bağışıklığı olduğuna inanmak, gelişim psikolojisinin en temel ilkelerini gözardı etmektir.
A) To consider that children are immune to such constantly repeated violence is to ignore the basic principles of developmental psychology.
B) To believe that children are not immune to such constantly repeated violence is to ignore the most basic principles of developmental psychology.
C) To know that children are immune to such constantly repeated violence is to ignore the most basic principles of developmental psychology.
D) To believe that children are immune to such constantly repeated violence is to ignore the most basic principles of developmental psychology.
E) To propose that children are immune to such constantly repeated violence is to ignore the most basic principles of developmental psychology.
4) Herhangi bir çocuk size Robin Hood'un fakirlere para vermek için zenginleri soyan soylu bir haydut ve kahraman olduğunu söyleyecektir.
A) Any kid will tell you that Robin Hood was a noble bandit who robbed the rich in order to give the poor.
B) Any kid will tell you that Robin Hood was a hero who robbed the rich in order to give the poor.
C) Any kid will tell you that Robin Hood was a hero, a noble bandit who robbed the rich in order to give the poor.
D) Any kid will tell you that Robin Hood was a noble hero who robbed the rich in order to give the poor.
E) Any kid will tell you that Robin Hood robbed the rich in order to give the poor because he was a hero and a noble bandit.
5) Kızkardeşim altı yıl İstanbul'da yaşadıktan sonra Bodrum'da küçük bir şirkette kendisine iş teklif edildiğinde ideal bir yaşamla karşılaştığını düşündü.
A) My sister lived in Istanbul for six years, and then she was offered a job at a small company in Bodrum, so she thought that it was the ideal life.
B) For six years, my sister has been living in Istanbul but last week she was offered a job at a small company in Bodrum, so she thinks that it is the ideal life.
C) After six years in a job at a small company in Bodrum, my sister thought to live in Istanbul would be her ideal life.
D) After six years in Istanbul, my sister thought she had stumbled onto the ideal life when offered a job at a small company in Bodrum.
E) My sister lived in Bodrum for six years, and then she was offered a job at company in Istanbul, so she thought that it was the ideal life.
6) Dünyanın en ünlü ve konusunda uzman bilimadamlarından ikisi canlıların doğası konusundaki çağdaş düşüncelerini geliştirmek amacıyla bir kitap yazmak için işbirliği yapıyorlar.
A) Two famous and literate scientists collaborate to produce a book aimed at expanding contemporary ideas about the nature of living things.
B) Two of the world's most famous and literate scientists collaborate to produce a book aimed at expanding contemporary ideas about the nature of living things.
C) The world's two famous and literate scientists collaborate to produce a book aimed at expanding contemporary ideas about the nature of living things.
D) Two of the world's most famous scientists collaborate to produce a book aimed at expanding contemporary ideas about the nature of living things.
E) Two of the world's most famous and literate scientists collaborate to produce an encyclopaedia aimed at expanding contemporary ideas about the nature of living things.
7) Albert Einstein, çalışmalarını en iyi bilen kişiler tarafından yirminci yüzyılın en büyük dehası olarak tanımlanır.
A) Albert Einstein is known as the greatest mind of the twentieth century.
B) Some scientists who produce the best experiments in the world call Albert Einstein as the greatest mind of the twentieth century.
C) Albert Einstein is called the greatest mind of the twentieth century by those who know his work best.
D) A few of the twentieth century's best scientists declare that Albert Einstein is the greatest mind.
E) Many of the scientists who produce good experiments declare that Albert Einstein is the greatest mind of the twentieth century.
8) Bira içmek bazı üniversite öğrencileri için bir hayat tarzı, diğerleri için de bir kaçış yolu olmuştur.
A) Beer drinking has become a way of life for some college students and a means of escape for others.
B) Beer drinking has become a way of life for college students and a means of escape for others.
C) For some college students beer drinking has become a way of life and a means of escape.
D) Beer drinking was a way of life for some college students and a means of escape for others many years ago.
E) Beer drinking has been a way of life for some college students who have been away from their family and a means of escape for others for years.
9) Bir yıldan fazla süren ve pasta yeme, bebek öpme, konuşma yapma ve bağış toplamayı içeren siyasi kampanyalardan sonra, adayların seçim sonuçlanır sonuçlanmaz dinlenmeye başlayacaklarını düşünebilirsiniz.
A) After political campaigns that last more than a year and that involve pie-eating and baby kissing, speech making and fund raising, you might think that candidates could begin relaxing once the election results are in.
B) After political campaigns that last more than a few years and that involve pie-eating and baby kissing, speech making and fund raising, you might think that candidates could begin relaxing once the election results are in.
C) Before political campaigns that last more than a year and that involve pie-eating and baby kissing, speech making and fund raising, you might think that candidates could begin relaxing once the election results are in.
D) After political campaigns that last more than a year and that involve pie-eating and baby kissing, speech making and fund raising, one might think that candidates could begin relaxing once the election results are in.
E) Before political campaigns that last more than a year and that involve pie-eating and baby kissing, speech making and fund raising, one might think that candidates could begin relaxing once the election results are in.
10) TV ekranı takılmış daktiloya benzeyen mikrobilgisayar, eletronik ev aletlerine en son katılan cihazdır.
A) A microcomputer, the most recent addition to home electronic equipment, resembles a typewriter when you attach a TV screen.
B) A microcomputer resembling a typewriter with an attached TV screen is a recent addition to home electronic equipment.
C) A microcomputer, which resembles a typewriter with an attached TV screen, is more recent addition to home electronic equipment than others.
D) A microcomputer resembling a typewriter with an attached TV screen is the most recent addition to home electronic equipment.
E) A microcomputer is the most recent addition to home electronic equipment that resembles a typewriter with an attached TV screen.
11) Çağdaş endüstriyel gelişmeyi doğal çevrenin yok edilmesinden dolayı suçlamaya o kadar alıştık ki daha az karmaşık araçlar tarafından verilen zarar bazen gözardı ediyoruz.
A) They are so used to blaming modern industrial growth for the destruction of the natural environment that they sometimes overlook the damage done by less sophisticated means.
B) We are so used to blaming modem industrial growth for the destruction of the natural environment that we sometimes overlook the damage done by less sophisticated means.
C) We are used to blaming modern industrial growth for the destruction of the natural environment so that we sometimes overlook the damage done by less sophisticated means.
D) You are so used to blaming modern industrial growth for the destruction of the natural environment that you sometimes overlook the damage done by less sophisticated means.
E) We used to blame modern industrial growth for the destruction of the natural environment that we would sometimes overlook the damage done by less sophisticated means.
12) Bilimadamlarının uzun süredir doğadaki karşılıklı yakın ilişkileri bilmesine rağmen, bir hayvanın neslinin tükenmesinin bir bitkinin azalmasına neden olabileceğini daha yeni öğrendiler.
A) Although scientists know of the close interrelationship in nature, they only leam that the extinction of an animal may cause the decline of a plant.
B) Although scientists have long known of the interrelationship in nature, they have only learned that the extinction of an animal may cause the decline of a plant.
C) Although scientists have long known of the close interrelationship in nature, they have only recently learned that the extinction of an animal may cause the decline of a plant.
D) Although the researchers have long known of the close interrelationship in nature, they have only recently learned that the extinction of an animal may cause the decline of a plant.
E) Although the scientist has long known of the close interrelationship in nature, he has only recently learned that the extinction of an animal may cause the decline of a plant.
13) 1970'lı yılların sonları, popüler müziğe cok farklı coğrafi ve külturel etkilerin birleşimini getirdi.
A) 1970s brought to pop music fusion of radically different geographical and cultural influences.
B) The early 1970s brought to pop music fusion of radically different geographical and cultural influences.
C) The late 1970s brought to folk music fusion of radically different geographical and cultural influences.
D) The late 1970s brought to pop music fusion of radically different geographical and cultural influences.
E) The mid 1970s brought to pop music fusion of radically different geographical and cultural influences.
14) Her toplumsal rol, toplumsal olarak tanımlanımş bir dizi davranış, alışkanlık, zorunluluk ve ayrıcalık, yani kısaca toplumsal bir yaşama tarzı içerir.
A) None of the social status includes a socially prescribed set of expected behaviours, attitudes, obligations and privileges -in short, a social life.
B) Every social status excludes a socially prescribed set of expected behaviours, attitudes, obligations and privileges -in short, a social life.
C) Every social status includes a socially prescribed set of expected behaviours, attitudes, obligations and privileges -in short, a social life.
D) None of the social status abolishes a socially prescribed set of expected behaviours, attitudes, obligations and privileges -in short, a social life.
E) Every social Status includes a socially prescribed set of expected behaviours, attitudes, obligations and privileges -in short, a social life.
15) Yaşlı adamın kitap ciltlerini doldurabilecek anılarından başka hiçbir şeyi, ama hiçbir şeyi kalmamıştı.
A) The old man had nothing left, nothing except memories capable of filling volumes of books.
B) The old man has nothing left, nothing except memories capable of filling volumes of books.
C) The old man has nothing left, nothing but memories capable of filling volumes of books.
D) The old man had nothing left, nothing except memories capable of filling volumes of magazines.
E) The man had nothing left, nothing except memories capable of filling volumes of books.
16) Gizli servisin bir yöneticisi bir keresinde bilgi toplamadaki işinin yakışıksız olan şeyleri olabildiğince uygun şekilde yapmayı gerektirdiğini söyledi.
A) A director of secret service says that his job in collecting information involves doing the indecent things as decently as possible.
B) A director of secret service once said that his job in collecting information involved doing the indecent things as decently as possible.
C) A spy of secret service once said that his job in collecting information involved doing the indecent things as decently as possible.
D) A spy of secret service says that his job in collecting information involves doing the indecent things as decently as possible.
E) A director of secret service once said that collecting information involved doing the indecent things as decently as possible.
17) Daha etkili ve başarılı ekonomik işbirliği için en önemli önkoşullardan biri, belli ki etkili bir iletişim sistemidir.
A) One of the important prerequisites for more effective and successful cooperation is an efficient telecommunication system.
B) The most important prerequisites for more effective and successful economic cooperation is obviously an efficient telecommunication system.
C) One of the most important prerequisites for more effective and successful economic cooperation is obviously an efficient telecommunication system.
D) The prerequisite for more effective and successful economic cooperation is obviously an efficient telecommunication system.
E) One of the prerequisites for more effective and successful cooperation is obviously an efficient telecommunication system.
18) Agatha Christie, hiçbirisi kendisinin ortadan kaybolmasından daha gizemli olmayan sayısız esrarengiz öykülerin yazarı olarak dünyaca ün kazandı.
A) Agatha Christie was world famous as the author of numerous mystery tales, however, her own disappearance is more mysterious than her tales.
B) Agatha Christie earned a lot of money as an author from her numerous mystery tales, but one day suddenly, she disappeared.
C) Agatha Christie had world renown as the author of mystery tales, none of which is more mysterious than that of her own disappearance.
D) Agatha Christie earned world renown as the author of numerous mystery tales, none of which is more mysterious than that of her own disappearance.
E) Agatha Christie, who disappeared suddenly one day, earned world renown as the author of numerous mystery tales.
19) Ruhbilimciler, saldırgan kişilikler, sert nesneler çizerken, ders notlarının üzerine evler çizen öğrencilerin güvenlik özlemi çektiklerini öne sürdüler.
A) Psychologists said that students who draw houses on their lecture notes yearn for security, while aggressive personalities draw sharp objects.
B) Psychologists claim that students who draw houses on their lecture notes yearn for security, while aggressive personalities draw sharp objects.
C) Psychologists proposed that students who draw houses on their lecture notes yearn for security, while aggressive personalities draw sharp objects.
D) Psychologists claimed that students who draw houses on lecture notes yearn for security, while aggressive personalities draw sharp objects.
E) Psychologists thought that students who draw houses on their lecture notes yearn for security, while aggressive personalities draw sharp objects.
20) Hiç süphesiz, Mustafa Kemal Paşa çağdaş dünya tarihindeki en büyük insanlardan birisidir.
A) Without doubt, Mustafa Kemal Pasha is one of the greatest figures in contemporary world history.
B) Without doubt, Mustafa Kemal Pasha is the greatest figure in contemporary world history.
C) Without doubt, Mustafa Kemal Pasha was one of the greatest figures in contemporary world history.
D) Without doubt, Mustafa Kemal Pasha was the greatest figure in contemporary world history.
E) Without doubt, Mustafa Kemal Pasha is a great figure in contemporary world history.
21) Akşam haberinde hava durumunu sunan kişi, doğru bir hava tahmini verebilmek için uydu ve radarlardan alınmış tüm bilgileri elinde tutabilir.
A) The weatherperson on the evening news may have all the information from radar and satellites to give an accurate forecast.
B) The weatherperson on the morning news may have all the information from radar and satellites to give an accurate forecast.
C) The weatherperson on the evening news has all the information from radar and satellites to give an accurate forecast.
D) The weatherperson on the late news may have all the information from radar and satellites to be able to give an accurate forecast.
E) The weatherperson on the afternoon news may have all the information from radar and satellites to give an accurate forecast.
22) Çok soğuk hatta dondurucu havada donmuş el ve ayak parmaklarını tedavi etmenin yöntemi, onları yavaşça yeniden ısıtmak veya kar ile ovmaktır.
A) A method of treating frozen fingers and toes in very cold even freezing weather is to slowly re-warm them or rub them with snow.
B) Frozen fingers and toes in very cold and freezing weather are treated by re-warming and rubbing slowly.
C) It is suggested that if you have a frozen finger or a toe you should re-warm it or rub with snow.
D) There is a method to rewarm or nib the frozen fingers or toes in a very cold even freezing weather.
E) It is said that if your fingers or toes are frozen in cold or frozen weather you ought to re-warm or rub with snow slowly.
23) Başarılı ve başarısız insanların her ikisi de şans ve insan ilişkilerinin, başarının temel öğeleri olduğunu kabul etseler de, bu etmenleri farklı yorumlayabilirler.
A) Both successful people and failures agree that luck and connections are the main ingredients of success, however they view these factors differently.
B) Not only successful people but also failures agree that luck and connections are the main ingredients of success, they never view these factors differently.
C) Either successful people or failures agree that luck and connections are the main ingredients of success, they may view these factors differently.
D) Although successful people and failures both agree that luck and connections are the main ingredients of success, they view these factors differently.
E) Neither successful people nor failures agree that luck and connections are the main ingredients of success, they view these factors in th same way.
24) Batı edebiyatında iki temel simge vardır, saflığı ve hayatı simgeleyen aydınlık ve ölüm ve çöküşü simgeleyen karanlık.
A) There are two symbols in Western literature, light, which signifies purity and life, and dark, which signifies corruption and death.
B) There are two elementary symbols in Western literature, light, which signifies purity and life, and dark, which signifies corruption and death.
C) There are two symbols in Western literature, one is light, which signifies purity and life, and the other is dark, which signifies corruption and death.
D) Western literature has two symbols, one is light, which signifies purity and life, and the other is dark, which signifies corruption and death.
E) Western literature has two symbols; light, which signifies purity and life, and dark, which signifies corruption and death.
25) Çoğu insan arkeolojik araştırmaları geçmişin zaferlerini gün ışığına çıkarma amacını güden büyüleyici hazine avları olarak düşünür.
A) Some people think of archaeological expeditions as fascinating treasure hunts to uncover the glories of the past.
B) Most people know archaeological expeditions as fascinating treasure hunts to uncover the glories of the past.
C) People know archaeological expeditions as fascinating treasure hunts to uncover the glories of the past.
D) Most people think of archaeological expeditions as fascinating treasure hunts to uncover the glories of the past.
E) Very few people people know archaeological expeditions as fascinating treasure hunts to uncover the glories of the past.