İngilizce Çeviri Testleri Ana Sayfası

TEST – 8

1) Lindbergh, bilgi, deneyim, kararlılık ve şansı sayesinde Atlantiği durmaksızın geçmede başarılı oldu.
A) Lindbergh failed to fly nonstop across the Atlantic because of his knowledge, his inexperience, his carelessness, arid his luck.
B) Lindbergh was unsuccessful in flying non-stop across the Atlantic as he lacked of his knowledge, his experience , his thoroughness, and his luck.
C) Lindbergh was successful in flying non-stop across the Atlantic because of his comprehension, his familiarity , his diligence, and his. fate.
D) Lindbergh was unbeaten in flying non-stop across the Atlantic because of his knowledge, his experience , his thoroughness, and his luck.
E) Lindbergh was successful in flying non-stop across the Atlantic because of his knowledge, his experience , his thoroughness, and his luck.

2) Cinsiyet ve yaş beden eğitimine engel değildir.
A) Sex and age are barriers to physical training.
B) Sex and age are not barriers to physical training any more.
C) Sex and age are barriers to physical training from now on.
D) Sex and age have been barriers to physical training up to now.
E) Sex and age are no barriers to physical training.

3) Sağlıkları elverişsiz olan ortayaşlı koşucular, uygun tavsiyeler almaksızın, koşuya başlarlarsa kalp krizine zemin hazırlayabilirler.
A) Middle-aged joggers in poor health condition may be setting off heart attacks if they begin without proper advice.
B) Young joggers in poor health condition may be setting off heart attacks if they begin without proper advice.
C) Middle-aged joggers in good health condition may be setting off heart attacks if they begin without proper advice.
D) Middle-aged joggers in poor health condition may be setting off heart attacks if they begin proper advice.
E) Young joggers in good health condition may be setting off heart attacks if they begin without proper advice.

4) Yazılı anlatımınızı geliştirmenin benim bildiğim en etkili yolu, düzenli olarak serbest yazı çalışmaları yapmaktır.
A) One of the most effective ways I know to improve your writing is to do free writing exercises regularly.
B) A more effective way I know to improve your writing is to do free writing exercises regularly.
C) The most effective way I know to improve your writing is to do free writing exercises regularly.
D) The most effective ways I know to improve your writing are to do free writing exercises and reading regularly.
E) An effective way I know to improve your writing is to do free writing exercises regularly.

5) Kelimelerin, farklı cümle yapılarında, nasıl farklı anlamlar aldıklarını anlamak çok önemlidir.
A) It is very good to understand how words change their meanings in different contexts.
B) It is very important to understand how words can change their meanings in different contexts.
C) Understanding how words change their meanings in different contexts is important.
D) How words can change their meanings in different contexts is very important.
E) Some words can be understandable when they change their meanings in some contexts.

6) John Lennon, daha önceden kendisi için bir albüm kapağını imzaladığı genç bir adam tarafından, New York'daki evinin önünde öldürüldu.
A) John Lennon was murdered in New York by a young man for whom he has autographed a record sleeve.
B) A young man murdered John Lennon since he hadn't autographed a record sleeve outside his New York apartment.
C) John Lennon was murdered outside his New York apartment by a young man for whom he had earlier autographed a record sleeve.
D) John Lennon murdered a young man for whom he had earlier autographed a record sleeve outside his New York apartment.
E) A young man was murdered outside his apartment in New York by John Lennon for whom he hadn't earlier autographed a record sleeve.

7) Sınav gününden önceki gece, giysileriniz, kalemleriniz ve giriş kartlarınız gibi ihtiyacınız olacak herşeyi temin ediniz.
A) On the examination day, lay out all the things you will need such as clothing, pencils and admission cards.
B) On the night prior to the examination day, you should have prepared all the things you needed such as clothing, pencils and admission cards.
C) On the night prior to the examination day, lay out all the things you will need such as clothing, pencils and admission cards.
D) On the night prior to the examination day, you had better put on the table things you will need such as clothing, pencils and admission cards.
E) On the examination night, lay out all the things you will need such as clothing, pencils and admission cards.

8) Siyasi konuların, seçmenlerin kararları üzerinde büyük bir rol oynamadığı şaşırtıcı değildir.
A) It is so surprising that political issues play an affective role in voters' decision.
B) It is not surprising that political issues do not play a very large role in voters' decisions.
C) Policy issues surprise that voters' decisions are affected by the politicians.
D) Voters have a very great role that they can play like politicians.
E) Policy issues don't surprise that voters' decisions are effected by the politicians.

9) Üretimdeki artışa rağmen, tüketimdeki artış mısır ithalatını gerekli kıldı.
A) The maize imports are growing so rapidly that we have to consume maize at the same rate.
B) The consumption of maize increasing so we must stop exporting it.
C) Although the production is growing we necessarily import maize.
D) The increase in consumption has made maize import necessary in spite of growing production.
E) Despite increasing consumption of maize we have to grow production.

10) Tarih araştırmaları, toplumbilimcilere, zaman içerisinde yerlesmiş gelenekler, öbekler ve toplumlarda meydana gelen değişimleri inceleme olanağını tanır.
A) Historical studies enable sociologists and psychologists to examine the changes that take place in institutions, groups and societies in the course of time.
B) Historical studies enable sociologists to perceive the changes that take place in institutions, groups and societies in the course of time.
C) Historical studies enable sociologists and psychologists to recognize the changes that take place in institutions, groups and societies in the course of time.
D) Historical studies enable sociologists to examine the changes that take place in institutions, groups and societies in the course of time.
E) Historical studies enable sociologists to identify the changes that take place in institutions, groups and societies in the course of time.

11) Toplumsal etkileşim, insanların başkalarına uyum sağlama ve birbirlerinin davranışına göre hareket etme işlemidir.
A) Social interaction is the misfortune of people orienting themselves to others and acting in response to each other's behavior.
B) Social interaction is the process of people orienting themselves to others and acting in response to each other's behavior.
C) Social conflict is the process of people orienting themselves to others and acting in response to each other's behavior.
D) Social disobedience is the process of people orienting themselves to others and acting in response to each other's behavior.
E) Social skepticism is the process of people orienting themselves to others and acting in response to each other's behavior.

12) Bazı açılardan, çocukluk ve yetişkinlik arasındaki fark ortadan kayboluyor.
A) In some respects, the line between childhood and adulthood is emerging.
B) In some respects, the line between childhood and adulthood is fading.
C) In some respects, the line between childhood and adulthood is appearing.
D) In some respects, the line between childhood and adulthood is coming into sight.
E) In some respects, the line between childhood and adulthood is stimulating.

13) Istanbul'da yorgancıların sayısı bugün 200'ü geçmiyor ama bundan on, on bes yıl kadar önce ise, Istanbul Yorgancı ve Hallaç Esnaf Sanatkarları Odası'na kayıtlı 1200 üye vardı.
A) Today there are about two hundred traditional quilt makers left in Istanbul, yet just ten or fifteen years ago Istanbul's Chamber of Quitters had 1200 members.
B) In Istanbul there were about two hundred traditional quilt makers ten or fifteen years ago, but now Istanbul's Chamber of Quilters have 1200 members.
C) There were about two hundred traditional quilt makers ten or fifteen years ago in Istanbul, but now Istanbul's Chamber of Quilters have 1200 members.
D) In Istanbul there were about two hundred traditional quilt makers ten or fifteen years ago, however today there are 1200 members registered in Istanbul's Chamber of Quilters.
E) Today there are about 1200 traditional quilt makers left in Istanbul, yet just ten or fifteen years ago, Istanbul's Chamber of Quilters had two hundred members.

14) Sınavdaki bazı sorular, öğrencilerin okuma anlama ve harita, grafik ve tablo çöziimlemesi becerilerini ölçer.
A) Some of the questions on the examination test the skills of the students in reading comprehension and in interpreting maps, graphs, and charts.
B) The questions on the examination test the skills of the students in reading comprehension and in interpreting maps, graphs, and charts.
C) The questions on the examination test how skilful the students are in reading comprehension and in interpreting maps, graphs, and charts.
D) Some questions on the examination test the skills of the students in reading comprehension and in interpreting maps, graphs, and charts.
E) The questions on the examination test the skills of the students in reading comprehension, writing, listening and in interpreting maps, graphs, and charts.

15) Çocuklar yangın çıkardılar. Herhalde kibritle oynuyorlardı.
A) The fire started because the children were playing with matches.
B) In order to start the fire, the children played with matches.
C) The children started the fire. They should have played with matches.
D) The children were playing with matches when the fire started.
E) The children started a fire. They must have been playing with matches.

16) Sanırım uzun süredir yağmur yağıyor. Su seviyesi çok yüksek.
A) It must have been raining for a long time. The water level is very high.
B) The water level gets high when there is a rain.
C) It has been raining for a long time and the water level is getting high.
D) It has been raining for a long time but the water level is high.
E) The water level is very high because of the rain.

17) Şemsiyeni alman gerekirdi çünkü yağmur yağıyor.
A) Take your umbrella in case it rains,
B) Why don't you take your umbrella because it may rain,
C) You should have taken your umbrella because it is raining,
D) You may have taken your umbrella because it is raining,
E) If it rains, take your umbrella.

18) Dersimizin saat 3:00 de başlaması gerekiyor.
A) Our class begins at 3:00.
B) Our class is supposed to begin at 3:00. .
C) Our class was supposed to begin at 3:00.
D) I think our class is going to begin at 3:00.
E) Our class is likely to begin at 3:00.

19) Türkiye'de bir erkeğin bir anda birden fazla karısının olmazına izin veriliyor
A) In Turkey, is it permitted that a man may have more than one wife at one time?
B) Do they allow you to have more than one wife from time to time in Turkey?
C) Can you have more than one wife at a time in Turkey?
D) Is a man allowed to have more than one wife at a time in Turkey?
E) In Turkey, can a person be permitted to have more than one wife at a time9

20) Doktoru kendisini fazla zorlamadan egzersiz yapmasına izin verdi.
A) If he wants, he can do exercises moderately
B) Moderate exercises are allowed to do by the doctor,
C) His doctor allowed him to exercise moderately,
D) His doctor allows him to exercise moderately,
E) His doctor will allow him to exercise moderately.

21) Sınava sözlüğünüzle giremezsiniz.
A) Even if you want to, you can't bring your dictionary to the exam,
B) Why don't you bring your dictionary to the exam,
C) You cannot bring your dictionary to the exam,
D) It is possible to bring your dictionary to the exam,
E) You may never bring your dictionary to the exam.

22) Ödevimi bitiremedim.
A) I wasn't able to finish my homework,
B) I was able to finish my homework,
C) I am likely to finish my homework,
D) I might have finished my homework,
E) I could have finished my homework.

23) Debbie ne biyoloji dersine giriyor, ne de laboratuvara gidiyor.
A) Debbie didn't want to attend the biology lecture and she didn't go to the laboratory.
B) Debbie neither attends the biology lecture nor goes to the laboratory,
C) Debbie neither attended the biology lecture or goes to the laboratory,
D) Debbie neither attended the biology lecture nor went to the laboratory,
E) Debbie both attended the biology lecture and went to the laboratory.

24) Arabaların herbirinin değişik bir tasarımı var.
A) All the cars had a different design,
B) Each of the cars has a different design,
C) Each of the cars will have a different design.'
D) Both of the cars have a different design,
E) Neither of the cars has a different design.

25) Ya Timmy, ya Marienne gelecek, ama her ikisi birden gelmeyecek.
A) Neither Timmy nor Marrienne will come.
B) Both Timmy and Marrienne will not come.
C) Either Timmy or Marrienne will have come, but not both of them.
D) Either Timmy or Marrienne will come, but not both of them.
E) Timmy or Marrienne will come, but not both of them.


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